revenuestory, impact, delete
RevenueStory - Impact of deleting subscription
RevenueStory - Impact of deleting subscription
RevenueStory - Impact of deleting subscription
Deleting a subscription and then re-importing the subscription with the same sub id and lower MRR than that of the Deleted subscription will not be considered as Downgrade MRR, instead, it will be considered as New MRR for the month.
Note: Generally, subscriptions must be soft deleted in CB side. If they are soft deleted, the subs handle will be appended and the is_deleted flag will be marked. Only when this is_deleted field is marked , the deletion will be communicated to RS side and RS will update the reports accordingly. If a subscription is hard deleted, the full trace of this Subscription will be removed / deleted from the subscriptions table in CB side.If hard deleted, this will in no way be communicated to RS side. This will impact the RS reports, as RS reports will retain these subscriptions , assuming that these subscriptions are still present in CB side
Therefore, always ensure to soft delete the subscriptions on the CB side, so that there are no negative impacts on RS reports.
Please refer to the below steps with an example:
Step #1:
There were totally two active subscriptions on the example site.
Sub ID |
Subscription #1 |
16BjlwSeuxXFQBbO |
100 |
Subscription #2 |
AnujaDeletionSubsTest |
825 |
Total Active Subscriptions |
2 |
Total MRR |
925 |
Step #2:
Deleted AnujaDeletionSubsTest
The deletion of one subscription has impacted the count of Active Subscriptions from 2 to 1. It is not considered in Total Subscription Churn also. Refer to check-in 'Same month Cancellations' metric. The deletion is not considered a churn in this case.
The MRR has reduced from 925 to 100.
STEP #3:
Trying to create another new Subscription with the same name 'AnujaDeletionSubsTest' as that of deleted subscription.
A warning message on 'subscription already exists' is displayed.
STEP #4:
Imported a new Subscription with the Sub id 'AnujaDeletionSubsTest'.
Sub ID |
Subscription #1 |
16BjlwSeuxXFQBbO |
100 |
Subscription #2 |
AnujaDeletionSubsTest |
100 |
Total Active Subscriptions |
2 |
Total MRR |
200 |
The Active subs count is 2 now with the MRR as 200 (100 + 100)
The imported subscription is included in the New MRR metric, not in Downgrade MRR.