
Reports and Analytics Articles & FAQ

revenuestory, exchange, rates, calculate

How does RevenueStory calculate my exchange rates?

RevenueStory imports the same logic from the Chargebee for exchange rates. Transactions made in the








How does RevenueStory calculate my exchange rates?

How does RevenueStory calculate my exchange rates? 

RevenueStory imports the same logic from the Chargebee for exchange rates. Transactions made in the additional currencies will be converted to the base currency using the exchange rates that you configure in them, for reporting purposes. Learn more.

If you choose Auto as the Exchange Rate Type, RevenueStory uses the exchange rates available with currency layer and Open Exchange Rates.

Here's how RevenueStory picks exchange rates:

If today is 4th August 2016,

  • The previous day's (3rd August 2016) closing rates will be synced with RevenueStory from the exchange rate sources.

  • The synced rates will be used for transactions occurring from 00:30 UTC onward.

  • For transactions occurring before 00:30 UTC, RevenueStory will use the closing rates from 2nd August.

  • If RevenueStory fails to sync with the exchange rate sources on 4th August 2016, the last available exchange rates will be used.

  • For transactions dated before 2011, the closest available exchange rate for 2011 will be used for conversion.

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