
Reports and Analytics Articles & FAQ

calculated, calculation, daily, expected revenue, monthly, revenue story, revenuestory, monthly revenue

How to find what is the expected revenue for the current month/daily?

The daily expected revenue is calculated as received revenue (default) + upcoming renewals (default)








How to find what is the expected revenue for the current month/daily?

How to find what is the expected revenue for the current month/daily? 


How is expected revenue calculated?

Are invoices in dunning added in calculation of expected revenue?

Expected revenue is of two types - Daily and monthly

The daily expected revenue is calculated as received revenue (default) + upcoming renewals (default) + trial and future subscriptions with cards (optional) + invoices in dunning (optional) + monthly revenue calculations (optional)

The monthly expected revenue is calculated as received revenue (default) + upcoming renewals (default) + trial and future subscriptions with cards (optional) + monthly revenue calculations (optional)

Monthly revenue calculation can be configured by choosing the following options

  • Do not include payment due invoices

  • Include only those invoices with upcoming retry in the current month

  • Include all payment due invoices in the last 60 days

  • Include all payment due invoices in the last 30 days

  • Include all payment due invoices

Note: All of the optional items in calculation of the expected revenue are configurable based on your preference. Reach out to to enable or disable the optional items.

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