
Testing the Chargebee Billing Integration 

So you have integrated Chargebee Retention and Chargebee Billing and completed the key steps to build out your Cancel Experiences in Chargebee Retention. You are ready to prep to deploy your Pages live, but you want to ensure that everything is working as expected before sending live customers to a Retention Experience. Fear not, we have two options for you to test your Chargebee Retention Integration.

  • Testing via a Test Key in your Production App
  • Testing via a Sandbox App

Sandboxes are only supported on Performance and Enterprise plans today.

Testing via a Test Key in your Production App 

This option is the easiest and fastest way to test your Chargebee Billing to Chargebee Retention integration, and is available on all plans. We allow you to integrate a live and test API key when connecting Chargebee. The test API key can be invoked using the Sample Session Generator, and when a Test Key is added to your Chargebee Retention App, we will accept test sessions that come from this Site's portal preview.

Once you have saved your Test API key here, you will be able to use the Session Generator to preview the experience and see that things are processing correctly in Chargebee.

Here you can choose to use either the live or test key when running sample sessions. Note: Test sessions will not count against Reporting, but we will process the events associated with these and update your billing systems accordingly. If you test against a Live Site Key, ensure that you are using a test account when doing so because these tests will update your Chargebee Subscription record.

One issue with this method of testing is that it will not apply the coupon code if you accept a discount using the Test Key. This is because the coupons synced with your Pages are pulled from your live key, and we do not map test key coupon codes today. If you need to be able to test the Discount Offers specifically, we suggest that you use the Sandbox Approach.

Testing via a Sandbox App 

The alternative option is to test via a Chargebee Retention Sandbox App. For Performance and Enterprise customers, we provide the option to add a Sandbox App for end-to-end testing. This covers the use case where you need to test a discount code and see it applied to Billing.

Sandbox apps need to be updated by our team to reflect the latest copy of your Production application, and we do not currently support the ability to publish from your Sandbox to Production. If you need help with setting up your Sandbox, please contact

You will want to connect your test site API key to your Sandbox app so you can use this for testing.

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