Connecting Chargebee Retention to Salesforce makes it possible to personalize your customer's Cancel Experience based on Account information in Salesforce.
Chargebee Retention's Salesforce integration is via a Salesforce Connected App. Access to Salesforce is configured using OAuth. Currently, it's only a one-way sync. We integrate with the Accounts Table in Salesforce and pull back all fields from the Account record that match the internal_id for the exit session.
The Salesforce integration does account lookup on session creation. When a new session is created for one of your accounts, it will do a lookup for that account in Salesforce and pull the account fields to use in setting up the session. We also query the metadata API for the account object schema. We also query the Salesforce metadata API to describe the Account object in your Salesforce org during integration configuration, or when integration settings are reviewed or edited.
There are currently 3 queries we run on the Salesforce API:
Query #1 and #3 only run when your customer lands on the Chargebee Retention Page. We run query #2 more often, like when the integration is configured and when related Settings pages are loaded.
We currently internally track when the last successful sync and the last unsuccessful sync were. Outside of our general server logs, we don't formally track every sync, and we don't have a public log exposed. We can verify whether or not data is being successfully retrieved, and what error messages may have occurred on the last sync when necessary.
Installing the Salesforce Integration
Setting up the Salesforce integration is as easy as a few clicks. Since it's an OAuth integration, whoever connects the integration will need the following permission set:
You'll need to pass us a unique id that is present in the Account record for us to sync those customer's records. Ensure that you are using a field marked as an "External ID" before connecting Chargebee Retention.
6. Click "Connect to Salesforce"
7. You will be asked to allow Chargebee Retention to have Salesforce Access click "Allow"
Upon clicking Allow, the Accounts table Salesforce data will automatically sync with Chargebee Retention.
8. After you enable the integration, click manage again and choose the Salesforce field that Chargebee Retention will use to sync records.
9. Send the ID when your customer clicks cancel. What you chose in step 8 is the property you'll need to pass us in your precancel request in the account.internal_id
field along with the other fields you would like to send with your cancel session. For more information on Chargebee Retention installation methods, click here.
"app_id": "APP_ID",
"account": {
"internal_id": "SFDC_EXTERNAL_ID"