
Cancel Compliance Requirements 

Subscription businesses are facing increasing consumer protection regulations designed to reduce friction involved with subscription cancellations. While these requirements differ across countries and/or states, they are generally focused on reducing the number of steps or time required to cancel subscriptions online.

Chargebee Retention provides multiple options to customize and test cancel pages to reduce friction in the cancel experience to fulfill compliance requirements and retain customers. With Chargebee Retention, you can set up a 1 click cancel experience after your customers land on the Chargebee Retention cancel page.

Hide or mark questions as optional 

To reduce the number of customer inputs and clicks to cancel, you can configure the cancel page to remove any of the questions or make them optional. Under Experiences > Pages, select the page to configure how these questions should be displayed.

Cancel Reasons, Competitors, Likelihood to Return, and Feedback questions 

Click into each section header and select whether you want the question to be required, optional, or hidden from your customers.

Example after clicking the pencil icon for Survey questions:

The Chargebee Retention cancel page includes the ability to display a consent checkbox prior to clicking the cancel button and a confirmation modal after clicking the cancel button to finalize the cancel. You can disable the consent checkbox, the confirmation modal, or both.

Consent checkbox:

Cancel confirmation modal:

Hiding Never Mind buttons 

In addition to hiding questions on the cancel page, you can also choose to show or hide the Never mind buttons in the middle of the page or bottom of the page to optimize your cancel experience.

Sticky Cancel and Never mind Buttons on the page 

You also have the ability to have the footer section containing the consent message, Cancel button, and Never Mind button to stay on the screen while you are scrolling to ensure customers can see their available options. To enable this, click on the footer section and enable the Sticky footer setting. This applies the sticky footer to all of your customers on desktop and mobile.

Configure display order of cancel page sections 

You will be able to customize the display order of the cancel page sections for increased visibility. For each of these 4 sections, you can move them higher or lower on the page. The logo image will always remain at the top of the page.

  • Section 1: Page headline
  • Section 2: Loss aversion cards
  • Section 3: Upper Never mind button and warning message
  • Section 4: Survey questions, Competitor question, Likelihood to return question, Feedback question, and footer

Note, to enable sticky cancel and never mind buttons, section 4 will need to placed at the bottom of the page.

To move a section, click the icon next to section and select "Move up" or "Move down."

Add buttons to any loss aversion card 

Add offer, cancel, or nevermind buttons to any loss aversion card template. You can also add a combination of these buttons using the multi-CTA offer option.

To create loss aversion card with buttons:

  1. Go to Experience > Offers and click New Offer.
  2. Select your desired offer category.
  3. Under Layout, select a loss aversion template.

To create a loss aversion card or modal offer with a Cancel or Never mind button:

  1. Go to Experience > Offers and click New Offer.
  2. Select Cancel / Nevermind category.
  3. Under Offer accept step, select Cancel or Nevermind.

If you have any questions, please reach out to

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