
Targeting Based on Offer History 

We have introduced additional audience properties to enable you to present different cancel pages and offers based on your customers' prior engagement with offers within the Chargebee Retention cancel page. For example, you can present a specific cancel page or offer if a customer accepted an offer or viewed but did not accept the offer.

To set up targeting based on offer history, first define new audiences and then configure targeting using these new audiences.

Create Audiences 

Within the Audience rules editor, we have added 4 new properties that can be used to target customers based on their prior engagement with offers in Chargebee Retention:

  • Days Since Offer Accepted: Configure a time period when any offer was accepted. You can set up the property to be less than, equal to, or greater than the time period value. If this is used with the Retention Offer property, then this rule will apply to a specific offer or offers.
  • Days Since Offer Viewed But Not Accepted: Configure a time period when the offer was viewed but not accepted. You can set up the property to be less than, equal to, or greater than the time period value. If this is used with the Retention Offer property, then this rule will apply to a specific offer or offers.
  • Days Since Offer Viewed: Configure a time period when any offer was viewed. This includes all customers who viewed the offer, regardless if they accepted or not accepted. You can set up the property to be less than, equal to, or greater than the time period value. If this is used with the Retention Offer property, then this rule will apply to a specific offer or offers.
  • Retention Offer: This refers to the name of the offer(s) within Chargebee Retention, not within the billing system. This property can only be used with one of the properties above as it has no effect if used by itself.

List of properties:

Example: Define audience for customers who accepted 25% offer within the last 30 days

Configure Targeting 

After you have created the audiences based on offer views or accepts, you can set up targeting to present the desired experience for each audience.

Here is a sample setup where a different cancel page and offer are presented for customers who accepted a 25% discount in the last 30 days or viewed but did not accept a 25% discount in the last 30 days.

If you have any questions about this feature, please reach out to

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