How can I use Chargebee to collect payments from customers in Korea?
What are the gateways supported by Chargebee in Korea?
Currently, Chargebee doesn't support any payment gateway that you can directly integrate to process payments in North or South Korea. We support the South Korean Currency- KRW
Chargebee does not support any payment gateway that you can directly integrate (from the app) to process payments for North/ South Korea.
North Korea:
-We do not support the North Korean Currency- KPW. Therefore, you would not be able to create plans/ addons in Chargebee in KPW.
-We do not support any Payment gateway (including Stripe) to process payments for customers in North Korea.
Therefore, you would not be able to create any subscriptions or process payments for customers based in North Korea. You would not be able to use Chargebee for your business in North Korea.
-We support the South Korean Currency- KRW. You would be able to create plans/ addons in Chargebee in KRW. This means that you can create subscriptions in KRW for customers in South Korea.
-However, you cannot connect Chargebee to Stripe directly from the Chargebee App.
You would have to:
a. Create subscriptions in KRW in Chargebee.
b. You can separately create a Stripe account and collect the payments for South Korean customers in Stripe. Stripe and Chargebee will be working independently, and will not be connected in any manner.
c. Since you cannot connect Chargebee to Stripe for payments you would have to manually record the payment for each invoice generated in Chargebee as shown in this video.