app, checkbox, drop, in, modal, Page, pages, plan, script, single, specific, url, V2, v3, out, host
Where to find the drop-in script for the plan-specific URL?
Where to find the drop-in script for the plan-specific URL?
The Drop-in script allows you to open the Chargebee checkout in a modal/in-app and is available in the v3 version. Every plan details page in PC 2.0 has a dynamic payment URL on each price point page, making it incredibly simple for you to share a payment link.
If you are using the hosted pages v2 (Single page checkout), you will have the plan-specific URLoption.
Both HPv2 & HPv3 have the plan specific URL.
Note: You cannot use both versions of the hosted pages on a single site. If you are using PC 2.0 then refer to this link.
How to know which version you are using?
The images below let you differentiate between hosted page versions.
Hosted pages v2 - plan specific URL
Hosted pages v3 - Drop-in grab script
If you would like to switch to v3, we'd recommend you test it once on your sandbox account and then move to v3 on your live site.
To switch to v3 from v2 on your sandbox, navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self-serve portal > Hosted Pages and click on the option highlighted below,
To move to v3 hosted pages on your live site, reach out to support.