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facebook pixel tracking, checkout v3, conversion pixel tracking, ChargeBee








Setting up Facebook Pixel Tracking if I’m using Chargebee Checkout (V3)

Setting up Facebook Pixel Tracking if I’m using Chargebee Checkout (V3) 

Tracking Pixels are 1 x 1-pixel images that lets you track the actions of your visitors on your website and measure the conversion.

To set this up, you need to:

  1. Setup Facebook Pixel Tracking on your website

  2. Enable Facebook Pixel Tracking in Chargebee

Step 1: Setup Facebook Pixel Tracking on your website 

  • Log in to your business account on Facebook and navigate to the Pixel tab under Event Manager

  • Click Create a Pixel

  • Fill in information about the pixel and click Create

  • In the pop-up window that follows, choose the option Manually Install Code Yourself

  • The subsequent screen will give you the code you need to integrate with your business website. Here's how it's done:

    • Locate the header section in your webpage code (


    • Copy the pixel code from Facebook and paste it within the header

Step 2: Enable Facebook Pixel Tracking in Chargebee 

In Checkout v3, you can enable Facebook Pixel Tracking following one of these approaches:

  1. If you are using Drop-in Checkout

  2. Go to Setting → Configure Chargebee -→ Checkout & Self Serve Portal → Advanced Settings

  3. Add your site domain in the whitelisted domains section

  4. In drop-in header script, include the data-cb-fbq-enabled=“true” attribute

Sample:” data-cb-site=“your-site” data-cb-fbq-enabled=“true”>

  1. If you have integrated via Chargebee Checkout API

  2. Go to Setting → Checkout & Self Serve Portal → Advanced Settings

  3. Add your site domain in the whitelisted domains section

  4. While initializing Chargebee instance, pass the enableFBQTracking parameter with value as true


$( document ).ready(function() {

var chargebeeInstance = Chargebee.init({

site: "your-site",

enableFBQTracking: true



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