Plan URL, checkout link, link
How do I send a user a link to a self-service page to signup for a subscription?
Constructing checkout URL
How do I get a link to the checkout page V3?
The latest version of the checkout page V3 is an in-app Modal Box that can be embedded on your webpage. However, if your sign-up flow requires sending a signup link to your customers, here's what you can do:
I. You can embed the Chargebee Checkout modal box which appears as a popup on your webpage. To integrate this, you simply need to add the drop-in script to your website HTML script. Here's more on this.
II. If you have an API-based integration, you can generate the checkout link using our Checkout APs. Follow the steps mentioned here.
I. If you do not have a webpage for the sign-up/purchase process, you can simply generate a Chargebee Checkout URL. Using the syntax below, replace with your Chargebee domain name and with the Plan ID in Chargebee to generate your hosted page URL.
II. Every plan details page in PC 2.0 has a dynamic payment URL on each price point page, making it incredibly simple for you to share a payment link. Navigate from the Product Catalog > Plans index page > Plan details page > Customer-Facing Info > Get Payment Link. Click here for more details.
[[screenshot assets/images/Billing/Pb-LhVdRyp7DMWbvIoZRv2cnA0-eXEiYIw.png]](
URL Syntax:
Sample URL: