
Hosted Pages Articles & FAQ

plan description, Checkout Page, ChargeBee, V2, information








How can I show plan description on checkout pages?

How can I show plan description on checkout pages? 

This article also answers:

  • Can I display plan specific description on the V3 checkout pages?
  • Where will the plan specific information appear on the V2 checkout pages?

You can use Chargebee's Trial Information field to display the plan description on V2 checkout pages. Here's how you can accomplish this:

  • Go to **Settings ^< Checkout & Self-Serve Portal** (under Customer-facing essentials) ^<** Info and alerts (on the left panel).
  • Scroll down to the Checkout section, select the Show checkbox against Trial Information
  • Use the desired merge var according to the information you want to display. Following is a sample merge var which displays the description based on the plan the checkout page is linked to.

{{ plan-id1}}

Whatever you enter here is your plan description for Plan 1

{{/ plan-id1}}

{{ plan-id2}}

Whatever you enter here is your plan description for Plan 2

{{/ plan-id2}}

Here's a video for your reference.

Also, a sample screenshot that shows how the description would appear on the hosted checkout page:


  1. Using the Plan Id is preferable so that you can display content specific to each plan

  2. Feel free to be creative with other MergeVars that suit your needs.

  3. This option only works for v2, there is no option in the v3 hosted pages to display the plan description.

  4. Plan descriptions cannot be changed dynamically to suit different customers. To know more contact support.

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