checkout, hosted pages, chargebee js, Checkout Page, chargebee checkout
What is the hosted pages/checkout pages of Chargebee?
Besides making life easier with a subscription management system, Chargebee also takes care of the checkout and payment process through its PCI compliant checkout and hosted pages option.
Handling the critical part of acquisitions, in capturing the customer, payment & plan details, processing the payment.
The checkout page can be easily linked to your website by embedding the plan URL to button the customer chooses a product/service on your website, they will be redirected to the Chargebee checkout to collect customer's payment information, process the payment from the payment gateway and create a subscription in Chargebee.
The latest version of the Chargebee checkout is pop-up based, so your customers are not redirected elsewhere to make a payment. This makes the checkout experience better and also more secure.
The process of integrating with the checkout is very simple. You only need to add the Chargebee JS to your web pages and the checkout link would be ready to use. Here's more.
The checkout is also customizable so you can add your brand logo and setup your accent colours to align with your website design.Click here for more details.
You can also use the checkout with our API based integration option. Here's more.