account, address, ChargeBee, dashboard, display, Domain, member, Name, organisation, site, team
My Site name is not getting displayed in the Chargebee Dashboard
You cannot see your display name on the Chargebee Dashboard, If you haven't updated your Organisat
My Site name is not getting displayed in the Chargebee Dashboard
I am logged in as the owner of the Chargebee site but my details are not getting displayed in the Dashboard. How to fix this?
My one particular site name doesn't get listed under all the Chargebee sites I have access to. Why is this happening?
Domain name display not working.
You cannot see your display name on the Chargebee Dashboard, If you haven't updated your Organisation address. To update this setting,
Go to Chargebee Dashboard, Settings > Configure Chargebee > Business Profile > Update Organization Address.
When you log into your site from an incognito window
Trial extension issue (contact support)
If you have access to more than 40 sites
1.Restriction imposed on sites that have access to more than 40 accounts is to control and prevent high business-critical performance issues.
2.Members added to your site as a team member will be able to see the domain name display if they have site access less than 40.