
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

MRR, flexible, metered, Addon, plan, include

Metered Add-ons not included in MRR calculations.Why?








Metered Add-ons not included in MRR calculations.Why?

Metered Add-ons not included in MRR calculations.Why? 


If the subscription has Metered Recurring Add-on with Non-metered Plan, then the MRR of the subscription will not include this Recurring Metered Add- on into its calculations.

Current system Design:

In general, for metered items, the MRR will be considered from the previous term's usage values, whereas, for Non-metered items, the MRR will consider the current term values.

As per the current system design, even if the Metered Billing is enabled along with the setting “Include metered plans and addons in MRR calculations.” To ON, if FLEXIBLE MRR is NOT ENABLED, then the system will NOT include the usages of the Metered Addons into MRR Calculations.

Screenshot #1:

To test follow the below steps (Use time machine)

Use-case #1 - Enable Metered Billing (to include Metered addons in MRR enabled), Disabled Flexible MRR :

Step #1: Create a Sub with Normal Plan and a Metered Addon on Aug 2, 2022

Step #2: Move the timer to the next day and add usages for Aug 3, 2022.
Step #3: Move the timer to Aug 18, 2022, and add usages.
Step #4: Move the Timer to Sep 1, 2022, when the sub will be renewed.

Step #5: MRR will not include the Metered usages of the previous term. It will includ the Plan's amount.

Screenshot #1:

Use-case #2 - Enable Metered Billing (to include Metered addons in MRR enabled), ENABLED Flexible MRR
Step #6: Move the timer to Sep 6, 2022, and add usages to the same sub's Metered addon.

Screenshot #2:

Step #7: Moved the timer to Oct 1, 2022, when the sub got renewed.
Step #8: Now, the MRR included the Metered Add-ons as well. Compare MRR Values in Screenshots #1 and #3.

Screenshot #3:

Therefore, the system expects the Flexible MRR also to be enabled to include the Metered add- ons into MRR calculations. Please inform the merchant on the same post in which you could enable the Flexible MRR from the backend and the, it is also required to be enabled in UI as well.

Note: Enabling the Flexible MRR will not impact the MRR values for historical periods. Going forward, the Metered usages will be included in MRR calculations. For metered items, the MRR will be considered from previous term's usage values, whereas, for Non-metered items, the MRR will consider the current term values.

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