
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

promotional, credits, signup, checkout, PC2.0, PC1.0, api, UI








How can I offer credits to customers at the time of signup?

How can I offer credits to customers at the time of signup? 


How can I offer credits to customers at the time of signup?
Can I issue a form of credit when the customer signs up?


By default, you can add a One-time Coupon and create a customized checkout URL via Chargebee UI or API, however if you prefer to provide credits for the new signups, then you need to create customer from Chargebee UI, add Promotional Credits from Customer Details Page, and create a customized URL using two options.

1. Chargebee Customized URL PC 1.0 / PC 2.0

2. Checkout new subscription API (PC 1.0) / Create checkout for a new subscription API (PC 2.0)


If you are looking to offer customers credits for a certain amount, at the time of signup, you would need to:

Step 1: Create a customer record in Chargebee by referring to this link.

Step 2: Add Promotional credits worth $50 (for example) to the customer record, refer to this link for more information.

Chargebee Customized URL

With Chargebee's hosted page URL, you can pass additional customer and subscription information during sign-up. These details need to be passed on to the hosted page URL while redirecting users to the hosted checkout page.

You can also retrieve subscription details once a sign-up is successful. This information can be used in case you want to display custom messages to your customers after signing up.

If you are using PC 1.0, refer to this link on how to create a checkout URL specific to the customer ID.

If you are using PC 2.0, refer to this link on how to create a checkout URL specific to the customer ID.

via API

When you create a hosted page, it is available at a secure and unique URL. This URL can then be provided to your customer on your website or by other means such as email. On successful completion of the hosted page workflow by the customer, they are redirected toredirect_urlthe hosted page id and state passed as query string parameters. As soon as the redirection happens, retrieve the hosted page to get details of the customer, subscription, invoice, etc.

If you are using PC 1.0, refer to this link on how to create a checkout URL specific to the customer ID.

If you are using PC 2.0, refer to this link on how to create a checkout URL specific to the customer ID.

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