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Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

ChargeBee, recurring billing, payment gateway, why chargebee








Does Chargebee support recurring billing?

Does Chargebee support recurring billing? 

This article also covers.

Why do I need Chargebee over a Payment gateway?

What is Chargebee?

Chargebee is a subscription management system which handles all your recurring billing, invoicing and lifecycle management starting from a trial for your customers.

If you're running a subscription-based business, Chargebee helps create and manage subscriptions and process payments automatically during each renewal cycle without the need for you or the customers to initiate payments manually and seamlessly manages the LifeCycle of a subscription, automating aspects like invoicing & Payment, customer notifications checkout workflows.

Chargebee also integrates with 3rd party tools like SalesForce, QuickBooks, Xero, Netsuite, for that last mile automation.

Chargebee is not a payment gateway but we work on top of payment gateways and provide an integration with them to collect payments online using our recurring billing platform.

Here's a list of payment gateways we support by country -

Chargebee also offers a PCI compliant Checkout pages which provide a secure way for customers to subscribe to your subscription plans and enter payment details. Here's more on this -

You can also explore the different integration options that we offer to suit your business workflow -

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