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Account summary report abstract

Definitions for:salessales reversaldiscountsdiscount reversaltaxtax reversalbad debtbad debt








Account summary report abstract

Account summary report abstract 

This article includes

  1. What are Sales, Discount, Tax Reversals, and other terms on the Account Summary report?

  2. Where can I see the breakdown details of the account summary report numbers?


  • Sales: This is the sum of the amount of all the invoices generated over that particular month (Invoice date filter). This includes tax, discounts applied on the invoice. This also includes voided invoices. Includes voided credit notes (here voided_at date filter for credit notes) which does not have a reason code as write off.

Sales = Sum(Amount of invoices in the status of Paid/Payment Due/Not Paid/Voided/ Posted, whose invoice date falls in the month) + Sum(Amount of voided credit notes (not write off case) which are voided in that month)

  • Sales Reversal: This is the sum of the amount of all invoices that are voided over a particular month (meaning voided date filter is applied not Invoice date as in Sales). Example: If an invoice created in June is voided in the month of July, then the sales of the month of June will have the invoice amount summed while the Sales Reversal of the month of July will add this voided invoice amount. This also includes credit notes created over the month whose reason code is not write off.

Sales Reversal = Sum(Amount of invoices in status Void and voided at date falls in that month) + Sum(Amount of credit notes(not write off case) which are created over that month)

  • Discounts: This is the sum of the discount amount applied over all invoices including voided invoices ( Invoice date filter). This also includes discounts from the voided credit notes( voided_at date filter here). This includes coupons, promotional credits.

Discounts = Sum(discount applied in invoices in the status of Paid/Payment Due/Not Paid/Voided/Posted, whose invoice date falls in the month) + Sum (Discounts over the voided credit notes which are voided in that month)

  • Discount Reversal: This is the sum of the discount amount applied over all voided invoices ( Voided at date filter applied). This also includes the sum of credit notes.

Discounts Reversal = Sum(Discount applied over invoices in status Void and voided at date falls in that month) + Sum(Discounts of credit notes which are created over that month)

  • Tax: This is the sum of the tax amount applied over all invoices including voided invoices(Invoice date filter). This also includes tax from the voided credit notes(voided_at date filter here).

Tax = Sum(Tax applied in invoices in the status of Paid/Payment Due/ Not Paid/Voided/ Posted, whose invoice date falls in the month) + Sum (Tax over the voided credit notes which are voided in that month)

  • Tax Reversal: This is the sum of the tax amount applied over all voided invoices ( Voided at date filter applied). This also includes the sum of tax applied over credit notes.

Tax Reversal = Sum(Tax applied over invoices in status Void and voided at date falls in that month) + Sum(Tax of credit notes which are created over that month)

  • Bad Debt: This is the sum of the credit notes that has reason code as write off

Bad Debt = Sum(Amount in Credit Notes that has reason code as a write off based on created at)

  • Bad Debt Reversal: This is the sum of the voided credit notes that has reason code as write off.

Bad Debt Reversal = Sum(Amount in voided credit notes that has reason code write off based on voided at date)

  • Payment: This has the sum of all the transactions amount with type “Payment” and date includes transaction date or settled date in that particular month. Those with type “Payment Reversal” are multiplied by -1.

Payment = Sum(Transactions Amount with the type (Payment) whose transaction date without settled at date falls under the month) + Sum(Transactions Amount with type Payment whose settled date falls under the month) - Sum(Transactions Amount with type Payment Reversal)

  • Refund: This has the sum of all the transactions amount with type “Refund” based on the transaction date filter of that particular month.

Refund = Sum(Transactions Amount with type "Refund" based on the transaction date)

  • Recognized Revenue: This has the sum of all recognized revenue which is greater than zero for the selected period from the revenue recognition detail report

  • Revenue Reversal: This has the sum of all recognized revenue which is less than zero for the selected period

  • Deferred Revenue: This has the sum of all deferred revenue for the selected period from the deferred revenue detail report

  • Aging Balance: This has the sum of outstanding amount which the customer needs to pay by Due date at the end of the month.

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