
Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

card, direct, gateway, id, refund, status, time, transaction, type, process, online, offline, debit, in, progress








My customers have not yet received their refunds.Why?

My customers have not yet received their refunds.Why? 

This article also covers 

The refunds are not reflected in Shopify

I haven't received a Payment Refund email


In Chargebee, you can refund your customers through online and offline means. For more information on this, click here.

When a refund is initiated, the refund status will immediately reflect on the invoices and credit notes in Chargebee and the gateway is notified to process the refunds. Processing time may vary from gateway to gateway, generally between 3-5 business days. For any delays contact your gateway to know more about the refund process and timelines.

Other reasons

  • Refund transaction is in progress

  • Refunds processed to the original payment method is different from what is on file

  • Refunds not processed by the gateway. Example, minimum transaction amount.

What happens when you Refund a transaction

  • The refund is tagged to a gateway transaction ID that you can refer to on your gateway platform

  • Chargebee marks the status as Success. (If the status is marked as In-progress contact your gateway. Possible reason - Insufficient funds in your account)

  • The gateway processes the transaction with the help of gateway transaction id and reference payment id to the original card

Note: A refund is made to the original card that was used for making the transaction. If the card used for making the transaction is canceled at the time of refund then, the payment is still sent to the canceled card. Your customers can contact their bank for more information.

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