
Hosted Pages Articles & FAQ

checkout page not loading, hosted page, checkout issue, Checkout Page, checkout error








Why is the checkout page not loading?

Why is the checkout page not loading? 

You might encounter checkout page (Single page checkout - V2) loading issues during the initial configuration of your Chargebee account.

Ensure that the below settings related to the hosted pages are configured:

1. Gateway - Connect your payment gateway account linked with Chargebee. Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Payment Gateways and add your gateway account.

2. Smart Routing - With the Smart Routing feature, you can configure rules for automatically picking a gateway account based on the payment method that the customer chooses and the currency of the transaction.

Ensure that at least one gateway account is linked to each currency or payment method. Go to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Payment Gateways > Manage Rules(on the right).

3. Hosted Page enabled - Go to Product Catalog > Plans > Edit Plan. Under the Hosted Page & Customer Portal section, ensure you have checked the “Checkout using Hosted Page” option.

4. Hosted page Theme(Checkout V2) - Go to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self Service Portal > Themes. Ensure that the configured theme is published.

Next, navigate to “Settings > Configure Chargebee > Hosted Pages Settings and enable the “Allow checkout using plan specific hosted page URL " toggle.

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