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Why coupon with the full discount is asking for payment information?

Why coupon with the full discount is asking for payment information? 


Why coupon with the full discount on checkout is asking for payment information?

How to skip a payment for a subscription with a full discount on checkout?

My customer has applied for a full discount and it is asking for payment on checkout


Though coupons with full discount by percentage or fixed amount are applied at checkout, customers will be insisted to update the payment method by default. In order to skip the payment method, enable Allow customers to checkout without payment details enabled for Full credit/discount coupons from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self-Serve Portal > Checkout.

Note: This is not applicable on Checkout Hpv2 (Single Page Checkout)


Checkout V3:

Before we skip the payment method, ensure the full discount coupon requirements are met.

  1. Discount Type: Ensure a full discount is provided in terms of Percentage (100%) or Fixed amount (if the plan's price is $50 & the fixed amount is also $50).

  2. Apply on: If this is selected as 'Each Specified item' then the specified plans, addons & charges that are 100% discounted should be included on the coupon details page.

  3. Duration: You can choose 'One Time, Forever' however if it's 'Limited Period' ensure this coupon is active

  4. Validity Till: If this is mentioned, ensure that it's within the coupon validity.

  5. Maximum Redemptions: If this is mentioned, ensure the coupon is not maxed out the number of redemptions provided.

Once the Coupons fulfill all the above prerequisites, then navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self-Serve Portal > Checkout > Allow customers to checkout without payment details enabled.

Then ensure Skip payment details collection during checkout with Full credit/discount coupons

1. This feature is applicable only for new subscriptions created through checkout.
2. In case you are using the checkout only to collect payment information from your customers, this option will not have any effect (i.e payment information will be collected from all your customers).
3. You can disable this setting any time you wish in the future. Once you disable this, all the new subscriptions (free/trial/coupons) created post disabling this option will require payment information during the checkout process itself.

Refer to this link for the In-app checkout (v3) FAQ

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