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checkout, url, not, working








Checkout URL is not working

Checkout URL is not working 


The checkout URL isn't working

The purchase link isn't working


This could happen due to incorrect URLs for your current Product Catalog version. The first step is to know which version of the Product Catalog you are using (PC 1.0 or PC 2.0). You can get to know if you are using PC 1.0 or PC 2.0 by checking the options under Product Catalog on your Chargebee site. Once you know which version you are using then we can check the URL format.


Finding the version of Product Catalog

In UI/app, “Product Families” and “Charges” in the left side navigation menu under Product Catalog indicate that the catalog is 2.0.

For API operations refer to this link Site Configuration API.

You can get to know if you are using PC 1.0 or PC 2.0 by checking the options under Product Catalog on your Chargebee site. Once you know which version you are using then we can check the URL format.

URL format for PC 1.0

If you are using Product Catalog 1.0 then you checkout URL should be similar to -
Click here to know more.

URL format for PC 2.0

If you are using Product Catalog 2.0 then you checkout URL should be similar to - https://{sitename}[item_price_id][0]={plan-id}

Also, every plan details page in PC 2.0 has a dynamic payment URL on each price point page, making it incredibly simple for you to share a payment link. Navigate from the Product Catalog > Plans index page > Plan details page > Customer-Facing Info > Get Payment Link. Click here for more details.

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