
Hosted Pages Articles & FAQ

addons, checkout, edit subscription








Can we create an addon checkout process that would modify an existing subscription?

Can we create an addon checkout process that would modify an existing subscription? 

This article covers:

How to edit/change subscription


Chargebee's checkout pages are available for creating a subscription with plans as well as one-time payment (non-recurring addons without a plan) checkout.

To know more about the one-time addon checkout process refer to this link.


To modify an existing subscription with an addon, a checkout page is not required because the customer's payment details are collected during the subscription creation, which is the purpose of a checkout. Instead, you can modify an existing subscription in the following ways:

  1. Self-Service Portal - Customers can buy addons, apply coupons and make other subscription changes through their self-service portal accounts. They can also add/modify their billing and payment details here.
  1. Via the Web Interface - Under the subscriptions tab, open the subscription to which you'd like to add the addon. Click on “Change Subscription” on the right and select the addons/coupons or make plan changes.
  1. Using APIs -Use the Update Subscription API to add addons, apply coupons and make other subscription changes.
Note: Existing customers can subscribe to a new plan using the latest version of the checkout pages by enabling the "Allow customers to have multiple subscriptions" option. Here's more on that.
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