This article also covers
The steps to configure Chargebee's webhook in Stripe.
Webhooks play the primary role in ensuring that Chargebee and Stripe are in sync. It is especially helpful for a smooth direct debit workflow. Additionally, webhooks are also used to notify Chargebee about card expiry. So it is crucial to configure webhooks before collecting payments.
Here's how you configure the Chargebee's notification URL in Stripe
1) In your Chargebee account, navigate to Settings ? Configure Chargbeee ? Payment gateways ? Stripe ? and copy the 'Notification URL' under webhooks.
2) Now log in to Stripe, navigate to Developers ? Webhooks ? and click on 'Add Endpoint'.
3) In the 'End Point URL' field add the notification URL that you copied from Chargebee. Also, select the latest API version under the 'Versions' dropdown.
4) Ensure that you receive all events by clicking on the option highlighted above. Following this, you can click on 'Add endpoint' and complete the process.
NOTE: You can only connect Chargbee's sandbox account with Stripe's Sandbox environment. Also, the same applies to the production environment as well.
If you have any further questions, contact us at