
Payment Gateways & Configuration Articles & FAQ

exact, E-xact, gateway, Integration, ChargeBee

How can E-xact gateway be integrated with Chargebee?








How can E-xact gateway be integrated with Chargebee?

How can E-xact gateway be integrated with Chargebee?

Chargebee supports integrating with your Exact account's Production as well as Individual Test Account.

Chargebee offers the following options to integrate with Exact.

OPTION A: Chargebee's hosted payment pages + Exact API

OPTION B Chargebee's API + Exact Hosted Pages

OPTION C Chargebee's API + Exact API

OPTION A: Chargebee's hosted payment pages + Exact API

In this method, the card information of the customers is collected by Chargebee's secure hosted pages and is directly passed on to Exact Server via API.

PCI Compliance Requirements: Low

Your PCI compliance requirements are significantly reduced because of Chargebee's hosted pages. As a merchant using Chargebee's hosted pages, all you have to do is submit a Self Assessment Questionnaire (SAQ-A) to stay compliant.

Learn more about Exact API.

OPTION B Chargebee's API + Exact Hosted Pages

In this method, collecting card information has to be handled at your end and finally passed on to Chargebee. Chargebee then routes this card/token information directly to Exact.

PCI Compliance Requirements: Low

Since Exact Hosted Pages takes care of collecting and storing card information, Exact takes care of handling sensitive card information and you are eligible for the lowest level of PCI Compliance (SAQ - A).

Learn more about Exact Hosted Pages.

OPTION C Chargebee's API + Exact API

In this method, card information has to be collected at the merchant's end and the same should be passed on to Chargebee. Chargebee then routes this card information directly to Exact.

PCI Compliance Requirements: High

Since collection and storing of the card information is done at your end, you need to take care of PCI compliance requirements.

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