
Payment Gateways & Configuration Articles & FAQ

avs settings, CVV settings, AVS mismatch, Braintree, payment gateway settings

AVS and CVV settings in Braintree

How to configure your fraud detection settings on Braintree








AVS/CVV: Configuration and error codes

AVS/CVV: Configuration and error codes 

Braintree's elaborate AVS and CVV settings allow you to reject transactions that do not meet your fraud filter criteria. You can access AVS settings via Settings ? Processing ? Basic Credit Card Fraud Tools ? AVS and ? CVV on your Braintree dashboard.

Note: Remember to make sure your settings on Chargebee's field configuration page match the settings you choose here.

If you are using the V2 checkout pages, navigate to Settings ? Customer-facing essentials ? Checkout and Self-Serve Portal ? Field Configurations (on the left panel) ? Card Information to choose what information would like to mark as mandatory.

On the other hand, if your site has V3 checkout pages, navigate to Settings ? Customer-facing essentials ? Checkout and Self-Serve Portal ? Fields ? Payments (on the left panel). Here you can enable the fields and set them as mandatory by clicking on the edit icon. Screenshot for your reference.

If a transaction fails to meet the configured AVS criteria, it is declined at Braintree before processing - this is called a gateway rejection. AVS gateway rejections are accompanied by error codes and responses that reflect which filter was tripped, find a list of them here.

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