
SEPA Payments via Adyen 

Direct Debit payments are automatically initiated during subscription renewal from the customer's bank account. Direct debit is implemented as a payment method through a network of financial institutions in various regions such as ACH Network in the US, BACS in the UK, and SEPA in Europe.

Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) is a unified system to perform financial transactions using euro currency within the SEPA region. SEPA ensures safe cross-border payments between EU countries using the payment standards set by European Payments Board(EPB). Three payment instruments are provided by SEPA, namely— SEPA Credit Transfer , SEPA Instant Credit Transfer  and SEPA Direct Debit .

  • SEPA is applicable only for payments made using the Euro currency.
  • There is a plan-based limitation for configuring SEPA in multiple gateways. To know more, visit our plans and pricing  page.
  • Note that this feature will not work if you are using in-app browsers.


Capture  refers to the process of completing a payment that is authorized. The following payment processing flows are possible in Adyen:

  • Authorization & Capture: In this mode, authorization and capture will have to be separately initiated to Adyen. Chargebee supports this mode of payment workflow in the default setup. Contact Adyen support to check and set up your SEPA payments to Authorization and Capture mode.
  • Automatic Capture/Sale: In this flow, the payments are captured automatically by Adyen after successful authorization and there is no need for a separate initiation for capture to Adyen. While this flow is supported by Chargebee, this must be enabled at the backend. Contact support  for assistance with enabling this for your Chargebee site.


Ensure the following prerequisites are in place before moving on to enable SEPA:

  • Your Adyen account is allow-listed. If not, allow-list your account by contacting Adyen support. This should be done for both test and live environments.
  • EUR currency is added to your Chargebee site.
  • Smart Routing is enabled in your Chargebee site and EUR currency payments are routed via Adyen.
  • SEPA is enabled in your Adyen account.
  • Adyen account is integrated with your Chargebee site. If not yet done, use our integration guide to integrate Adyen account.
  • Setup Authorization & Capture flow in Adyen account for SEPA Payments.

In order to enable SEPA OR 3DS for your Adyen gateway, Chargebee requires your Checkout Endpoints.

To access these endpoints:

  • Login to your Adyen account.
  • Navigate to Account > API Users > Checkout Endpoint. Learn more about Adyen endpoints.
  • Copy the endpoints and share it with our support team.

Note- If you have already setup SEPA or 3DS for Adyen Gateway you need not contact support.

Connecting SEPA 

  1. In the Chargebee App, click Settings > Configure Chargebee > Gateways > your Adyen gateway account and enable Direct Debit (SEPA).

  2. Enter your email and phone number into the respective fields. These are displayed in the Mandate creation and Pre-notification emails sent to your customers.

  3. Select Send SEPA emails from Chargebee to send Mandate Creation and Pre-notification emails from Chargebee (explained below).

  4. Click Save to save the changes.

  5. Under Advanced Configurations, configure the user audience for whom you want to display SEPA as a payment method, either to all customers or only to customers with direct debit enabled.

  6. Add the Notification URL, which is displayed on the page, to your Adyen account. This enables Adyen to send information to Chargebee.

  7. Click Apply to save the changes.

  • In Advanced configurations, if you enable Allow for all customers, SEPA shows up as a payment method for all customers irrespective of the customer level setting.
  • If there are three consecutive payment failures using the direct debit payment method, it will be marked as invalid in Chargebee. In such cases, you should remove the existing payment method and ask your customer to add a new one.

SEPA Email Notifications 

Mandate Creation email: Notifies customers about mandate creation. Mandate is an agreement which states that a payee consents to the receiver debiting a specific amount of money from their bank account on a regular basis. Mandate creation happens when the customer agrees for the above terms. This email is sent only during mandate creation (only once).

Pre-notification email: Notifies customers that a payment amount will be debited in X days from their bank account.

You can view and edit the content of these emails by clicking Settings > Configure Chargebee > Email notifications > Payments & Credits > SEPA.

If you had selected Send SEPA emails from Chargebee, both the emails would be sent for SEPA payments during first transaction. For subsequent transactions, only the Pre-notification email will be sent.

Please do note that the Pre-notification email is sent to the customer before collecting any type of payment such as subscription renewal, one time charges and so on.

  • The Mandate Creation and Pre-notification emails are editable. If you need to edit the content of these emails, ensure your changes are in line with the SEPA guidelines.
  • European Payment Council recommends an authorization agreement  be sent to the customer to view the mandate.


  1. Where should I add the Notification URL in my Adyen account?

To find the Notification URL in your Chargebee App, click Settings > Configure Chargebee > Payment gateways > your Adyen gateway account. The Notification URL section contains the URL which needs to be copied and pasted in your Adyen account.

In your Adyen account, click Account > Server communication > Add Standard Notification. Add the Notification URL in URL field and select Active. Finally, click Save Configuration to save the changes.

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