
Payment Gateways & Configuration Articles & FAQ

paypal, via, Braintree, integrate

How to integrate PayPal Via Braintree?

Braintree accepts payments via PayPal. This means you can connect Braintree with Chargebee and accep








How to integrate PayPal Via Braintree?

How to integrate PayPal Via Braintree?

Braintree accepts payments via PayPal. This means you can connect Braintree with Chargebee and accept payments via Braintree and PayPal. Braintree's setup guide will give you further instructions about linking PayPal with Braintree. Braintree does not charge any processing fees for PayPal transactions.

  • If Multicurrency is enabled in your Chargebee site, kindly ensure that the currencies configured in your Chargebee site are configured in your PayPal Merchant account as well. This is to prevent payment failures in Chargebee when your customer makes the payment with a currency that is not configured in your Chargebee site.

  • For accepting payments via PayPal, you must be using Braintree Direct. For further information on Braintree Direct, contact Braintree's Support Team.

  • The approval process for Braintree to allow payments using PayPal will take 1-2 business days.

  • iframe tags and Chargebee's Rhapsody theme are not supported.

You can Integrate via Chargebee API or Integrate via Checkout

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