
Transaction Sync and Invoice Mapping 

This document aims to provide an overview of the reconciliation process for Dangling and Needs Attention transactions within Chargebee. Let us see what Dangling and Needs Attention transactions are:

What is a Dangling Transaction? 

A dangling transaction occurs when a payment is successfully processed by the payment gateway but encounters an error within Chargebee in rare scenarios. This error prevents the creation or updation of a customer's subscription/invoice.

A dangling refund happens when a refund is successfully processed by the payment gateway but fails to associate with a credit note in Chargebee. This can happen in the following situations:

  • A refund is processed by the gateway but it is not linked to any credit note in Chargebee.
  • A credit note is generated but does not reflect the Refunded status.

Learn more about handling Dangling transactions.

What is a Needs Attention Transaction? 

A Needs Attention transaction occurs when Chargebee records a transaction but identifies an inconsistency between the status in the Chargebee app and that of the payment gateway. This could happen in rare scenarios, such as the connection between the payment gateway and Chargebee being temporarily lost during the payment processing stage, processing errors, or any other system glitches. As a result, these transactions require your intervention to ensure that Chargebee's records are completely synced with the corresponding status in the payment gateway.

Learn more about handling Needs Attention transactions.

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