
Taxes Articles & FAQ

id, profile, tax, ChargeBee, site, find, referenced, tax_profile_id, not, present








How to find the ID of a tax profile in your Chargebee site?

How to find the ID of a tax profile in your Chargebee site? 

This article covers 

What is Tax profile ID and where do I find this on my Chargebee site?

I get an error when trying to update the tax profile id of a plan using the Update plan Bulk operation. How can I get this ID?

The Primary referenced in parameter plan[tax_profile_id] is not present


If you sell different products which are subject to different tax rates in the same taxable country, you can set up multiple tax profiles in Chargebee for each of the taxable items. The tax profile ID is the unique ID associated with every tax profile that is created on your Chargebee site. This is used to identify the right tax profile when you are updating a plan via Bulk operation or APIs.


When you have multiple tax profiles set up on your Chargebee account and you are looking to update one or more plans as taxable and choose the tax profile via the “Update plan” or “Update an item price” Bulk operation or API Call, you are required to add tax_profile_id as a parameter.

Now, this is not the name (Primary/Secondary unless changed manually) of the Tax profile. When you enter the name of the tax profile for the plan[tax_profile_id] field, you will encounter the below error.

To get the Tax profile ID, navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Taxes > Manage Tax profiles on your Chargebee site.

You should be able to see all the tax profiles followed by their IDs in brackets on this page.

Ensure to add the ID for the right tax profile and pass it as the parameter to the API call or the Bulk operation that you are doing.

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