Roll New Pricing

Pricing change should not be another multi-quarter project

Chargebee enables you with the billing infrastructure to launch, experiment, and iterate pricing structures in minutes. Not months.

  • Rethink value equation

  • Try 67+ pricing models

  • Roll-out new prices

  • Grandfather customers


Unlock Revenue Hidden Within Your Pricing Structures

Iterate Pricing

Experiment with multiple price points, or flip your entire pricing model to identify your value sweet-spot.

Win with Flexibility

Empower sales to win deals with custom pricing options that step outside the list price every once in a while.

Insulate price shocks

Big bang pricing changes can backfire. Focus your experiments on new customers and charge existing customers what you first promised.

Chargebee customer can do rapid experimentation of different pricing models

Your Pricing Strategy Should be Unique

From flat-fee to per-unit models, custom pricing, addons and overages - if you can think of a pricing structure, Chargebee lets you deploy it.

Deep Plan & SKU Modeling

Implement varied pricing plans tied to features and quantity units. Roll out a freemium strategy, or even charge meterages based on consumption.

Value-based Pricing

Align pricing with the right value metrics you deliver to customers. Charge a flat fee, or by users, features, storage, bandwidth, files

Flexible Billing Periods

Offer flexible billing cycles, ranging from daily and weekly periods, to multi-year contracts.


A collection of jumpstart solutions to help you drive change

Tame price elasticity

Change prices without losing demand. Evolve a good mix of Trials, Free units, Discounts and Coupons.

Test new pricing

Create and launch plans with new pricing models, present performance to build internal consensus.

De-risk pricing changes

Roll-out in phases and decouple pricing changes from billing cycles and prorations.

Customize pricing

Tailor prices at purchase & still have them catalogued, counted under the same product.

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