
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

Scheduling a Cancelation

Scheduling the cancellation of a subscription on a particular date.








What happens when I schedule a cancellation?

What happens when I schedule a cancellation? 


How to schedule a cancellation for a subscription?

How to schedule a cancellation for a specific date?

How to schedule a cancellation for the end of the term?


You can configure Chargebee's default subscription cancellation settings by navigating to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Subscription Cancellation for the following scenarios;

1. Immediately

2. On a specific date

3. End of term

Important: The refund will be initiated on the date of cancellation and not on the scheduled date based on your setting. 
Reason codes that are configured will appear for selection as Cancellation reason when subscriptions are canceled (immediately, at the end of the term, or on a specific date) via Chargebee UI or Self-serve Portal


If you prefer to configure individual configurations depending on the subscription cancellation, Chargebee allows you to enable multiple options from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Subscription Cancellation.

Here, you can set the configuration independently for each scenario using the 'Add conditional rule'. Refer to this link to know about the configurations in detail.

On updating 'Allow overriding via Chargebee interface' you will have the option to choose the configuration while cancelling the subscription manually from UI.

Immediate Cancellation

On choosing 'When a subscription has to be canceled' as 'Cancel immediately'. The configurations are as follows

Cancellation reason The reason codes configured here will be listed
How do you want to handle credits for the unused period Don't issue credits
Issue prorated credits
Issue full credits
Include the cancellation date in the billing period This setting is only available when Chargebee is running on day-based billing mode.
What do you want to do with the remaining refundable credits This option is only available on Millisecond-based billing mode is enabled.

Scheduled Cancellation

On choosing 'When a subscription has to be canceled' as 'Cancel on a specific date'. The configurations are as follows

Cancellation reason The reason codes configured here will be listed.
How do you want to handle credits for the unused period This option is only available on Millisecond-based billing mode is enabled. 
Include the cancellation date in the billing period This setting is only available when Chargebee is running on day-based billing mode
What do you want to do with the remaining refundable credits This option is only available on Millisecond-based billing mode is enabled.

Schedule Cancellation with Day-based billing mode from UI

Schedule Cancellation with Millisecond-based billing mode from UI

Note: If day-based billing mode is enabled, a subscription canceled on a particular date will end its term on the same date. When disabled, the subscription will end its term on the day before the cancellation date.

End-term Cancellation

On choosing 'When a subscription has to be canceled' as 'Cancel at the end of term'. Since subscription cancellation is scheduled at the end of the term, it will perform settings as per the default configuration under Settings > Configure Chargebee > Subscription Cancellation.

Cancellation reason
The reason codes configured here will be listed.

In order to allow customers to add a cancel reason on the portal and to make the cancel reason mandatory, refer to this link for more information.

Note: By enabling'Allow overriding via Chargebee interface'for all the settings will allow you to manually change the default configuration (immediate/end of term/scheduled) at the time of subscription cancellation from UI. 

When a subscription has been scheduled for cancellation, it is moved to the “Non-Renewing” state at the end of the term scheduled to cancel (if the subscription is in an active state) and will not be billed further.

If a subscription is in 'Trial', the status of the subscription will remain the same and will be canceled at the end of the trial period.

Invoices that are outstanding (Not paid, Payment Due) will still remain in the same status until they are Written Off, Voided, Deleted, or Paid.
For invoices that are in dunning, payment retries will continue to take place until dunning retries are exhausted.

Other scenarios where a subscription will be canceled immediately.

  • Not Paid (Dunning)
  • No Card
  • End of term (Billing cycles)
  • Fraud Review Failed
  • Non-Compliant EU Customer
  • Tax Calculation Failed
  • Currency incompatible with Gateway
  • Non-Compliant Customer

Advance Invoice

When the subscription with advance charges is cancelled, the advance charges are issued as credits to the customer at the time of subscription cancellation and the advance invoicing schedule (if applicable) is removed immediately. However, if the subscription cancellation is scheduled for the future, the advance charges for the billing cycle that fall beyond the scheduled cancellation are issued as credits. The invoicing schedule that falls after the subscription cancellation gets removed. However, the advance invoicing schedule that falls until the scheduled cancellation remains undisturbed. Click here for more information.

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