
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

calendar, billing, removed, disabled








What happens when Calendar billing is removed or disabled for the site?

What happens when Calendar billing is removed or disabled for the site? 

This article covers 

What happens to the subscription's billing term Calendar billing is disabled for the site?


When the Calendar billing is configured for a site or for specific plans, any subscriptions created on the site or any subscriptions created with one of the specific plans then the subscriptions' billing term will get aligned as per the Calendar Billing configuration.

If the Calendar billing setting is disabled, then the existing subscriptions created will remain to have the same billing term date, and any new subscriptions created after this event will be aligned to the subscription sign-up date or the subscription activation date.

If you would wish to change the billing date for a subscription, you could navigate to the subscription record and make use of “Change next billing” in case your Chargebee site is in Product Catalog version 1.0 or “Edit next billing date” in case your Chargebee site is in Product Catalog version 2.0 but it would behave in a different way. Here is a reference article on Changing the billing date to a different date when calendar billing is enabled.

We have migrated to new Self-Serve Calendar Billing configuration from 23 March 2023. Self-Serve Calendar Billing allows you to add multiple Site-level & Plan-level configurations also supports Yearly billing frequency. With this new configuration, you can manage both SaaS and E-Commerce business. Besides, the Advance trigger allows you to set calendar billing for specific events. Reach out to our support to enable this feature on your site.
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for SaaS business
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for E-Commerce business

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