
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ








Is it possible to bill customers monthly for their usages by using an Metered Addon when the Plan of subscription is Yearly?

Is it possible to bill customers monthly for their usages by using an Metered Addon when the Plan of subscription is Yearly? 


I have created one subscription with a yearly Plan and a monthly metered add-on. Will the invoices be generated each and every month for the add-on usages we will add for that particular month?


Unfortunately, it is not possible at the moment to bill the customer monthly for a monthly add-on when the plan is yearly. The add-on charges according to the usages will be consolidated for 12 months and will be added to the invoice, which will be generated at the end of the particular billing period of 1 year. As a workaround, instead of adding the addon to the subscription, please create one time invoices manually to charge the customer each and every month for his usage.


When you add the monthly addon to a subscription along with a yearly plan, no invoice will be generated separately for each and every month for the charges of the monthly addon. Instead, the add-on charges will be consolidated for 12 months and charged along with the plan. If you have a non metered Plan and a metered addon in a subscription, at the start of the subscription, the customer will be charged for the yearly plan, and at the next billing date one year later, a pending invoice will be generated containing the usage of the addon added for the 12 months together with the yearly plan of the upcoming billing cycle of 1 year.

As a workaround, instead of adding the addon to the subscription, please create one time invoices manually to charge the customer each and every month for their usage.

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