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How to perform a bulk operation to override subscription price for a specific plan?

How to perform a bulk operation to override subscription price for a specific plan?








How to perform a bulk operation to override subscription price for a specific plan?

How to perform a bulk operation to override subscription price for a specific plan? 


I'd like to perform a price override on all active subscriptions for a given plan


You will be able to perform a bulk operation to override the subscription price for a specific plan or edit existing subscriptions in bulk using the Import and Export option on your Chargebee site. You will need to navigate to Settings > Import & Export Data > Choose a Bulk Operation Subscriptions > Update Subscription in your Chargebee site


Step 1: Navigate to Bulk Operation steps provided respectively:

PC 1.0 

You can perform this action from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Import & Export Data > Choose a Bulk Operation > Subscriptions > Update Subscription

PC 2.0 

You can perform this action from Settings > Configure Chargebee > Import & Export Data > Choose a Bulk Operation > Subscriptions > Update Subscription for items.

Step 2: Download the sample CSV file

  • Upon downloading the CSV 'update_subscriptions_sample_data.csv' file, you require the current data from your site to update in the sample CSV.

Step 3: In order to download the current data, follow these steps. You can export it from Chargebee, there are 2 different ways to achieve this: 

  1. From the Subscriptions index page, you can filter data using 'Add Filter' if you want to narrow down the search to a specific list of subscriptions. You can also save the filter for future purposes, this feature is called Advanced Filter Options.

    Navigate to Subscriptions index page > Add Filter > Plan > is > Specific Plan > Apply Filter  

Note: On the recent UI enhancement you can now scroll the index pages - Customers, Subscriptions, Invoices, and Credit Notes vertically. Earlier, the pages will be paginated which may prolong your search however with the new enhancement as you scroll down the list it will load all other data in a single page as highlighted below on the screenshot. Refer to this link for more information. 

Then click on Export > Export as CSV to download subscription data for a specific plan.

  Alternate step:

  1. Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Import & Export Data > Export Data > Subscriptions > Select Criteria to Export > Export

Note: If you are to perform a bulk operation for existing data from Chargebee, you may have to export the data from Chargebee and update those data to the import sheet from Bulk Operations. Earlier, the export data format and import data format varied, which involved a lot of manual intervention. With the new enhanced Export file option, you can either export a file using Download Data or download an import-friendly file from Settings > Import & Export Data > Product Catalog. Refer to this link for more information. This applies only to sites in the PC 2.0 version.

Step4: This file will contain sample records that you can replace with the current data records. Note that the data that needs to be added to the sheet should be in the same format as the sample data.

Now, you can update the current subscription price.


  • Your CSV data file should contain all the columns specific to the operation you are performing. The sample CSV file has most of the columns required for the operation.
  • Do not edit the column labels in the sample file and make sure the file extension is .CSV.
  • You can update this sheet with the data exported from the Invoice level.`

Step 5: Drag and drop your data file into the web interface or upload it

Please refer to the Bulk operationsdocument if you have received any errors while uploading the file.

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