
Subscriptions Articles & FAQ

account, api, bulk, cancel, charge, customer, fraud, payment, refund, Service, sign, subscription, up








How to cancel subscriptions and refund them in bulk?

How to cancel subscriptions and refund them in bulk? 


We have fraudulent charges from sign-ups by one of our affiliates. We need to cancel their account and refund their payments in bulk. How to do this? 

We no longer provide service to a subscription. How to bulk cancel and refund customers?

Cancel subscriptions


In Chargebee, you can choose to cancel subscriptions of your customers when you experience: non-payments, fraudulent activities, or on customer request etc.

You can cancel subscription via

  1. Chargebee UI: Subscription Index Page

  2. Portal

  3. Bulk Operation

  4. API


Via Chargebee UI
Step 1: Navigate to the Subscription Index page and select the list of subscriptions to be cancelled by clicking on the checkbox.

Then click on 'More Actions' and 'Cancel Subscription'

Then you will see a cancel subscription configuration page to choose how to cancel the subscription.

To refund choose the below options

When a subscription is cancelled mid-term, how do you want to handle credits for the unused period? Don't issue credits: The subscription is canceled without giving any credits for the unused period.
Issue prorated credits: The subscription is canceled and prorated credits are given for the unused period. (Not advised for shippable subscriptions as proration in Chargebee is time-based.)
Issue full credits: Issues full credits for the entire term.
If there are existing refundable credits Retain credits: No action is taken against the credits.
Initiate refund: Initiates the refund of the credits.

Refer to this link for more information.

You will also have option to disable Webhook notifications, Email notifications. Once you enter the exact number of subscriptions you are canceling, click 'Confim' to initate bulk subscription cancellation process.


If you want to allow the customers from canceling their subscription from their Self-Service portal account, navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Checkout & Self-Service Portal > Portal and enable the “Allow customers to cancel subscription” option and you can configure the settings as per your requirements on when you can allow to cancel their subscription, reason code, feedback and option reactivate with portal.

Via Bulk Operation

This is a manual process, and you may have to provide all the subscription data while performing the Bulk operation. You can cancel subscriptions from the Chargebee UI, customer portal or using the API.If you need to cancel more than one record, you can use the bulk operation. You can use a CSV import to carry out a bulk action.

Note: During cancellation you can choose to prorate charges or refund charges in full.


To do this, Go to Chargebee Dashboard,


Import and Export data

Choose a bulk operation

Cancel subscriptions under the Subscriptions file.

Download the sample CSV

In the CSV file, you will be required to fill in the details such as the subscription ID,end_of_term etc.

Enter a value under credit_option_for_current_term_charges if you want to issue credits against the current term charges

Possible values to be specified are:

  1. none - No credits will be issued against current term charges.

  2. prorate - Prorated credits for the unused period will be issued against current term charges.

  3. full - Credits will be issued for all the current term charges.

You can pre-configure your cancellation settings under the Subscription cancellation.You can do this under Settings > Configure Chargebee > Subscription Cancellation.

Here's more on the subscription cancellation feature.

API: Send cancellation request via Cancel Subscription API

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