
Site Configuration Articles & FAQ

rounding, off, line, item, multi, decimal, support








What is the rounding logic for line item amounts?

What is the rounding logic for line item amounts? 


When multi-decimal support is enabled, the decimal places of your plan/addon price and quantities are considered in their entirety for line item amount and tax computation. However, these line item amount and tax amount that are derived after price computation are displayed, rounded off to zero or two decimal places based on the currency format.


Here is an example of how rounding logic works:

Consider a plan that is priced at 4.4556 per unit.

When the total quantity subscribed for is 10.625, the invoice amount is calculated as follows:

Plan Price 4.4556 X Quantity subscribed 10.625 = Line item amount computed 47.34075

  • When the plan currency is USD, the line item amount 47.34075 is rounded off to two decimal places, and gets displayed as $47.34. This is as per the currency format of USD that supports 2 decimal places.
  • When the plan currency is Japanese Yen (JPY), the line item amount 47.34075 is rounded off to zero decimal places, and gets displayed as JPY 47.

The same rounding logic is applied for credit notes and quotes. The line item amount and tax amount are rounded off to their currency precision.

Note: - Once Multi-decimal support is enabled for your Chargebee site, you cannot disable it - After you select the number of decimal places for price and units and publish the settings, you can not go back to select a lesser number of decimal places
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