
Site Configuration Articles & FAQ

transfer, plan, price

Can I use transfer configuration to update the plan prices?








Can I use transfer configuration to update the plan prices?

Can I use transfer configuration to update the plan prices? 

This article covers 

I performed the transfer configuration for my site, but my live site still reflects the old pricing.


Transfer configuration is advisable when you are pushing your plans from your test site to the live site for the very first time and not during price updates.

If you have already performed transfer configuration to move your plans from your test to the live site, the product family in both your test and live sites have the same name. In this case, so when you perform it again, we compare it with the name and If a product catalog config exists with the same name we skip it and don't override it.

So, if you have updated your prices on the test site and would like them to reflect on your live site as well, transfer configuration is not an option. We would recommend you make use of our bulk operations to update your plan prices on the live site.

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