
Reports and Analytics Articles & FAQ








How do I view the data in the Charts? Is it possible to download the report data?

How do I view the data in the Charts? Is it possible to download the report data? 

The 'View Underlying Data' (VUD) option can be used to view the data in all the charts.

Navigate to a Chart and hover the mouse pointer over the Chart to get the VUD option. Clicking on the VUD would give you the Download option to download the data from the chart.

Do note that using the VUD option would allow you to download the data only for a particular month/year/week from the chart. If you are looking to download the underlying data for all the months/years/weeks at the same time, you may use the Download VUD option at the chart-level.

Note: The VUD option is not available on all charts. For example, consider the metric Lifetime Value of a Paid Subscriber. Even though the VUD option is visible, clicking on it would not give any data. Since it's an aggregate value, the underlying data is not visible.

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