
Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

consolidation, failure, invoices, not








Why are my invoices not getting consolidated ?

Why are my invoices not getting consolidated ? 

This article covers

The checklists that should be completed to ensure consolidation of invoice
Reasons for the consolidation to fail

First invoice not consolidated

How to consolodate all billing into one day?


Consolidated invoicing enables you to generate one single invoice for multiple subscriptions under one customer. However, there are a few reasons/scenarios where Chargebee will not consolidate invoices. (listed below).


The following are the possible reasons for invoices to not consolidate,

  • If the charge is for a new subscription, ie, If the charge is raised for the subscription creation operation, then the invoice will not be consolidated.
  • If the charges for the Customer (subscription renewals and unbilled charges) are not due to be invoiced on the same day.
  • If the charges for the multiple subscriptions are of different currencies.
  • If the charges are from subscriptions do not have the same auto-collection status.
  • If multiple subscriptions do not have the same payment method.
  • Check if multiple subscriptions that your customer holds have the same renewal date. Consolidation would only happen if the renewals fall on the same day. If you wish to have all subscriptions renew on the same day of the month or week, then enable Calendar Billing.
We have migrated to new Self-Serve Calendar Billing configuration from 23 March 2023. Self-Serve Calendar Billing allows you to add multiple Site-level & Plan-level configurations also supports Yearly billing frequency. With this new configuration, you can manage both SaaS and E-Commerce business. Besides, the Advance trigger allows you to set calendar billing for specific events. Reach out to our support to enable this feature on your site.
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for SaaS business
Refer to this link on how to configure Self-Serve Calendar Billing for E-Commerce business
  • Check if taxes are enabled for the site. If taxes are configured, then Generate separate invoices for each shipping address is enforced even if the consolidation is enabled.
  • For the above point, check if all the fields for a subscription's shipping address are matched, right from the Country field to the Company field. The invoices wouldn't be consolidated even if the Company field in shipping addresses does not match.
Note: The feature release on Feb 2021 allows you to consolidate invoices while metered billing is enabled. Refer to this link to know more. 

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