
Invoices, Credit Notes, and Quotes Articles & FAQ

delete, Due, in, invoice, not, PAID, payment, progress, remove, transaction, void, partial








I am not able to see the void option in an invoice

I am not able to see the void option in an invoice 

This article covers 

How to remove the payments associated with an invoice?

Where is the Void option available in an invoice?


If you are looking to Void an invoice make sure

  • Your invoice is in the Payment due or Not paid state

  • There are no payments associated with the invoice

1. The Void option is available only for the roles of Owner, Admin, Sales Manager, and Customer Support.
2. An invoice cannot be voided if it has partial payments associated with it.
3. If you have deleted the invoice etc
4. The transaction is "in progress" state due to which the invoice is in "payment due" status and cannot be voided.

Refer to this article for more insights.

To remove the payments associated with an invoice, and void the invoice,

  1. Go to Chargebee Dashboard > Invoices

  2. Select the invoice that you want to Void

  3. Scroll down to the Payments and Credits section

  4. Remove the Payments and Credits

Note: Total Excess Payments for a specific customer
The Removed payments will be added to excess payments. We have updated our summary box to provide a more streamlined and elegant user experience. With this upgrade, hyperlinks have been added to the summary box, allowing users to easily access related information. The Total Excess Payments on Summary Section is available at the top of the Customer details page which provides a total amount due of a customer and hyperlink that directs to the details. Refer to this link for more details. 

Invoices > Remove Payments & Credits(Before)

Invoices > Remove Payments & Credits(After)

  1. You will now be able to see the Void option.

  2. Click Void this invoice

  3. Add comments and click Confirm

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