billing, credits, custom, customer, delete, Due, invoice, old, PAID, payment, subscriptions, term, void, regenerate, incorrect, excess, full
How do I void and regenerate an invoice?
I want to cancel the invoice and regenerate it. How to do it?
You can void and regenerate an invoice if it is generated incorrectly or if you have missed including the customer's billing, tax, or PO number information, etc.
Note: We recommend voiding an invoice against deleting it as you will retain the invoice number sequence for auditing purposes whereas deleting will disrupt the sequence. Also, see the difference between deleting and voiding an invoice.
If you are a business selling in Nordic countries, use the void invoice with credit note workflow. A credit note is created and applied to the voided invoice automatically. Refer to this link to avail the Void invoice with credit note setting on your Chargebee site.
Steps to void and regenerate an invoice
Go to Dashboard > Invoices > Select the invoice that is in Payment Due. Alternatively, you could access the invoice from the Subscription details page > Invoices.
To void an invoice that is in Paid status remove the payments linked to the invoice.
The payment amount initiated will go to Customer Excess Payment and will be applied to the new invoice you generate
From the top right corner of the invoice, click on “Void this invoice“:
A status message that reads “This invoice has been successfully voided” is generated.
You can go back to the Subscriptions details page, click the Subscription ID to the top of the invoice
Make the necessary changes to the subscription ie. adding billing information or configuring taxes etc.
Click Regenerate Invoice as specified below.
Choose the option Full term or Custom Period
Full-term - To regenerate the invoice for the full term
Custom period - To regenerate the invoice for a specific time in days(pro-rated)
Click Generate. Now, the old invoice gets voided and the new invoice is generated on top of it.
Here is a video on how to do this.
Regenerating invoices using bulk operation:
Invoices can also be regenerated using bulk operation.
To regenerate the invoice using bulk operations, go to Settings > Import & Export data > Choose a bulk operation > Select 'Subscriptions' from the dropdown > Regenerate an invoice > Proceed
You may download the sample file, fill in the required columns and re-upload it to proceed with the bulk operation.
Note: Only current term invoices will have the option for regeneration from the UI.