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setting, dunning, enable, update, email, Configure








How do I configure dunning and update dunning email settings in Chargebee?

How do I configure dunning and update dunning email settings in Chargebee? 

This article also covers

How do I update Dunning email settings in Chargebee?

How do I enable dunning settings on my Chargebee site?


Dunning is a useful feature that enables Chargebee to automatically retry the payment for an invoice in case of a payment failure. When the auto collection is ON (either on the customer or Subscription) payment attempts will be made on the payment method on file (card/direct debit). On failure of the initial charge, dunning will kick-in to retry the payment in defined intervals.

For offline dunning (when the auto collection is OFF) only emails will triggered.

To enable dunning, head to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Dunning for online/offline payments. Chargebee offers different dunning configurations based on the customer's payment method.

Also, enable dunning emails to notify your customer on payment retries by navigating to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Email notifications> Dunning for online payments (or) Dunning for offline payments


  1. Follow the instructions given below to enable the dunning feature

    1. Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee >Dunning for online/offline payments > Dunning for cards, e-wallet payments(or) Dunning for Direct Debit payments(or)Dunning for offline payments > Activate Dunning for the required options.

    2. Now, extend the dunning period accordingly at each section.

    3. You can also add additional retry frequency for online payments if required by navigating to Dunning for online/offline payments > Dunning for cards, e-wallet payments> Extend the Dunning period.

    4. Here's a video of the same steps to configure dunning for your reference.

  2. Follow the instructions given below for dunning email configurations.

    1. The dunning email notifications can be updated by navigating to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Email notifications

    2. The Dunning emails can be edited by navigating to Email notifications > Dunning for online payments (or) Dunning for offline payments

    3. Click “Edit” beside the notification you wanted to edit and proceed with editing the content of the email. %%% cbext

    4. Here's a video of the same steps to configure dunning emails for your reference.

Related Documentation


Dunning emails

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