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What is Suite Tax? What are it's uses?

Suite Tax is a customization model offered by Netsuite. It automatically identifies the customer's s








What is Suite Tax? What are it's uses?

What is Suite Tax? What are it's uses? 


Limitation of Suite Tax

Actions that can be performed using Suite Tax.


Suite Tax is a customization model offered by Netsuite. It automatically identifies the customer's shipping or billing information to calculate the taxes for each item in the invoice. Suite Tax engine is a bundle installed in the NetSuite where the tax calculation can occur within NetSuite. It also can add localization tax for regions such as India. If the customer uses Suite Tax and installs the bundle for each region, then there are pre-defined taxes. The tax rates are created as part of the custom field, which is not loaded in the Standard Rate field

The following actions take place when the Suite Tax module is enabled in Netsuite:

  • Creates Invoice and Credit memo
  • Calculates the tax for each line item in the Invoice
  • Fetches the tax details (Tax Details Reference, Tax Type, Tax Code, Tax Basis, Tax Rate, Tax Amount) from the NetSuite for each line item.
  • Overrides Chargebee's tax rate and amount if they differ from Chargebee's Invoice

The tax code and other tax-related information for each line item are not updated since the Suite Tax engine does not allow override.

Related Documentation

Netsuite - Suite Tax

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