trial, export, subscriptions, email, notifications, CC, bcc, verify, sender, Domain
Extract new trial customers contact details on a daily basis
Our goal is to know when someone has entered a trial and what their contact details and this should be a daily extract.
How to run reports and also be notified of new trial subscribers?
Extract new trial customers contact details on a daily basis
Generate daily reports on a new trial customer details
At this moment, you can export the list of trial subscriptions from the Subscription Index Page and save this filter for frequent exports. For daily notifications, you can add your email address as CC or BCC along with the trial notification emails to keep you notified. Also, you can also export this using List subscriptions API.
Navigate to the Subscription Index Page:
Use a filter for Trial Status as 'Subscription status' > 'is' > 'in Trial'
Use a filter for Period as 'Subscription Created' > 'At' > 'This Month'
Then click on Save Filter to use it in the future. This filter can also be used for Email Segments if you prefer to send emails to this list of subscribers.
Note: On the recent UI enhancement you can now scroll the index pages - Customers, Subscriptions, Invoices, and Credit Notes vertically. Earlier, the pages will be paginated which may prolong your search however with the new enhancement as you scroll down the list it will load all other data in a single page as highlighted below on the screenshot. Refer to this link for more information.
Click on Export > Export as CSV to download the files. %%% cbext