subscription, billing, trial, period, end, date
Effect of “Edit trial end date” on Billing Cycles of a subscription
Why billing cycles are not showing anymore in the subscription?
When a subscription is in trial status with n number of fixed billing cycles and if that subscription's trial is ended before the scheduled subscription activation date, it would change the number of Billing cycles from n to forever.
When a subscription with a Fixed number of billing cycles is on the trial status and if that subscription's trial is ended before the scheduled subscription activation date using the Edit Next Billing Date option in the subscription details page, it would change the number of billing cycles from Fixed to Forever.
Modifying the trial_end date (subscription_change event) to immediately, results in activating the subscription at the same time. This leads to remaining_billing cycles getting nullifiedThis happens because previously when billing cycles were set for the subscription when it was created, it was as per a specific (pre-determined) activation date of the subscription. When changes were made to the activation of the subscription, the next_billing_date of the subscription got affected, which nullified the presence of remaining_billing_cycles as well.
You can now go to “Edit Subscription” set the (Fixed) number of billing cycles back to your desired number and click “Update”.
Note: This is applicable for Trial status subscriptions only.