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Calculation logic for expected revenue figure on the dashboard

The Expected Revenue figures displayed on the Dashboard (for live sites only) can be calculated usin








Calculation logic for expected revenue figure on the dashboard

Calculation logic for expected revenue figure on the dashboard 

The Expected Revenue figures displayed on the Dashboard (for live sites only) can be calculated using the following formula:

(Payments of this month - refunds of this month) + **subscription's next_billing_amount

*Payments of this month are calculated by navigating to Logs->Transactions->and use the filter Transaction date = this month

**Refunds of this month are calculated by navigating to Logs->Transactions->and use the filter Transaction Type is Refund and Transaction Date is This Month.

***Subscription's Next Billing Amount= Navigate to the Subscriptions Page and use the filter Next Billing Date is between 1st to today and Status is Active.

The calculation can also be configured to include trial_and_future_with_card = true
For this, the calculation above shall also include subscriptions which are in trial and are going to be upgraded this month while it should have a card added on file.
To do this, change the Subscription's Next Billing Amount filter to include status - In Trial and Future and Payment Method Type is Card.

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