Netsuite Integration: Tax Basis Incorrect, Net Amount Incorrect and Unit Price Incorrect
Issue Description: The “Tax Basis” is incorrect when an Invoice is created in Netsuite .
The amount calculated and shown on Chargebee are different from the one calculated on Netsuite.
For example,
The Tax Basis is 962.88 which is calculated at Chargebee as the following:
Unit Price 239.121 (Excl. Taxes)
x Quantity 5.269
Discount 320.960 (Excl. Taxes)
962.880 ( Excl . Taxes)
But when this is synced to Netsuite, the tax basis has as another value which is this one:
Unit Price 239.121 (Excl. Taxes)
x Quantity 5.269
Tax 205.412
1,489.243( Inc. Taxes)
RCA: This is a bug and for SuiteTax enabled NetSuite account where we are trying to override tax details from Chargebee and having tax inclusive currencies. We were sending incorrect values for TaxBasis and UnitAmount.
This bug has been fixed and the tax is calculated properly now. Reference ticket for bug fix details: JIRA Ticket