
Data Operations Articles & FAQ

invoice, sent, generated, not, issue








Invoice email notifications are not sent to customers?

Invoice email notifications are not sent to customers? 


Why are invoices not sent to my customers after it is generated?

Why are my customers not getting email notifications from my business?


There are multiple reasons why the invoice is generated but not sent and they are listed below.

  1. If the invoice is in 'Posted' status and 'Invoice is generated in Posted status' is not enabled.

  2. If the invoice is in 'Pending' status which is in a drafted state.

  3. If it's 'Unbilled' charges.

  4. The general invoice email notification is not enabled.

Email notification do not work in time machine mode.


  1. Posted Invoice - Chargebee can send emails to your customers informing them that an invoice has been posted and when it's due for payment.

You can enable this notification by navigating to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Email Notifications > Invoices & Payments > Payments Terms (Net-D).

  1. Pending invoices are used in usage-based billing scenarios (Metered Billing). Only on closing a pending invoice, the invoice is actually published and sent to the customer.
  1. When unbilled charges are created in Chargebee they can be invoiced on-demand.

Chargebee allows you to configure how unbilled charges are handled on your site. Navigate to Settings > Configure Chargebee > Billing LogIQ > Unbilled Charges and ensure that the proper settings are in place.

  1. Other invoice receipt email notifications can be found under Settings > Configure Chargebee > Email Notifications > Invoices & Payments. Ensure the relevant notifications are enabled.
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