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Cafeyn offers a subscription-based service that provides unlimited access to a wide variety of newspapers and magazines.

Turning the page on subscriber churn: How Cafeyn reduced involuntary cancellations by 90% and is leading the digital press revolution

Chargebee’s subscription and revenue growth management platform empowers the digital magazine and newspaper provider to grow through strengthened efficiency and user experience.

Before Chargebee

In-house billing process couldn’t scale with expansion or growth

Difficulty analyzing subscriber data and creating personalized promotions hindered growth

Revenue loss due to unoptimized offers and involuntary churn

After Chargebee

Seamless customer journey across the entire subscription lifecycle

Continuous experimentation enables Cafeyn to evolve its subscription model

Key insights from subscriber data drive expansion into new markets

See how Chargebee is a trusted partner in 6500+ growth stories

Paris-headquartered Cafeyn has become a leading player in the crowded digital press subscription market. With a mission to offer unlimited access to thousands of newspapers and magazines worldwide, Cafeyn aims to revolutionize how people engage with digital news. To accomplish this, Cafeyn needed a robust, scalable, and efficient subscription management platform for its over 2 million users.

However, Cafeyn's in-house billing system was holding back growth and revenue. It faced technical problems, offered limited data insights, and had a cumbersome user experience. Cafeyn needed a solution to improve operations and increase customer satisfaction and loyalty. 

The problem: Tailoring a solution to customer demand in the digital subscriptions world

Before adopting Chargebee, Cafeyn faced several key challenges that were stalling its growth and efficiency. Simply put, its in-house billing solution couldn't keep up with the expanding subscriber base. It also lacked the features needed to manage the entire subscription lifecycle effectively, resulting in high churn rates due to technical issues, revenue loss, and missed opportunities to improve user experience.

Cafeyn has a diverse customer base, spanning B2C, B2B, and B2B2C markets, which necessitated flexible and robust subscription management capabilities. A key issue Cafeyn faced was the inability to effectively analyze subscriber data, making it difficult to identify trends, tailor promotions, and optimize revenue.

A high number of failed payments was leading to more lost revenue. These issues made it difficult for Cafeyn to provide a smooth and dependable service. The lack of clear information about these problems also made it hard to fix them, creating extra hassles for both users and internal teams.

The solution: Chargebee helps Cafeyn go the ‘Extra, extra’ mile with subscriptions

To overcome these obstacles, Cafeyn turned to Chargebee for its industry-leading revenue growth management platform. Chargebee offered a comprehensive solution that addressed Cafeyn's specific needs, providing advanced features for data analysis, recurring billing, and customer retention. By using Chargebee, Cafeyn could better manage the complexities of its subscription business.

RevenueStory, Chargebee's built-in analytics solution, helped the company understand subscriber data more deeply, providing useful insights for making smarter decisions, while also saving time for employees.

Beyond these core functionalities, Chargebee offered Cafeyn the flexibility to create and manage diverse subscription offers, empowering the product and marketing teams to drive growth. Chargebee streamlined Cafeyn's subscription processes, allowing users to create, modify, and cancel subscriptions with ease

Before Chargebee, we struggled with outdated systems that limited our growth potential and caused technical churn. Now, with Chargebee powering our subscription management, we’ve seen a significant reduction in manual tasks, fewer errors, and an overall boost in operational efficiency. Our teams benefit from simplified billing and payment processes and can analyze and leverage user data more effectively.

Bram Steijns, Growth Product Manager, Cafeyn

The result: Cafeyn tunes into user wants and needs

Using Chargebee made a significant difference in Cafeyn's operations and finances. Key results include:

  • 90% reduction in involuntary churn: Chargebee enabled Cafeyn to identify and address technical issues that led to a substantial decrease in involuntary cancellations, resulting in significant cost savings.

  • Improved customer satisfaction: Improving the user experience increased customer satisfaction and retention, which led to higher customer lifetime value.

  • Optimized operations: Chargebee’s automation and efficiency features reduced manual tasks, giving Cafeyn’s teams more time to focus on important strategic work.

Steijns added, "Partnering with Chargebee has been a game-changer for Cafeyn. Chargebee’s robust subscription management platform has enabled us to streamline our operations, scale efficiently, and meet the diverse needs of our users."

Integrating Chargebee into Cafeyn’s technology setup has greatly improved efficiency. Automation has cut down on manual work, reduced errors, and allowed the team to focus on strategic tasks. Chargebee gives clear visibility into subscriptions, cancellations, and changes, making it easy to manage them. Its easy-to-use interface also simplifies creating and launching new offers, reducing the need for tech support. Overall, Chargebee helps Cafeyn keep evolving its subscription model while keeping our users highly satisfied.

Steijns told us, “Chargebee has transformed the way we manage subscriptions, driving growth and helping us stay ahead in the competitive digital press landscape. We’re thrilled with the results and look forward to continuing our partnership.”

Ready to harness the power of subscription billing and management to drive revenue growth for your subscription business? Get a demo

Tech Stack


Adyen, PayPal, Chargebee

Products Used

Chargebee Billing

By aligning with industry trends and integrating smoothly with our existing tools, Chargebee has empowered us to offer a superior user experience, continuously experiment with our subscription model, and expand into new markets with confidence.
Bram SteijnsGrowth Product Manager, Cafeyn
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